My research uses causal inference methods in applied microeconomics to study labor markets in developing countries, with a particular focus on gender.
Working Papers:
Why Don’t Jobseekers Search More? Barriers and Returns to Search on a Job Matching Platform (accepted at Journal of Labor Economics)
– with Kate Vybornyⓡ, Robert Garlickⓡ and Erica Fieldⓡ
Barriers to Entry: Decomposing the gender gap in job search in urban Pakistan (conditionally accepted at Journal of Labor Economics)
– with Elisabetta Gentile, Nikita Kohli, Kate Vyborny, and Zunia Tirmazee
Workplace Attributes and Women’s Labor Supply Decisions: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment (conditionally accepted at Economic Development and Cultural Change)
– with Manoj Mohanan
Selected Research in Progress:
Misreported Applicant Qualifications: Implications for Job Search and Hiring
– with Erica Field, Robert Garlick, and Kate Vyborny
Total recall: duration versus frequency of surveys for measuring labor market outcomes
– with Erica Field, Robert Garlick, and Kate Vyborny
Gendered Impacts of Reforming Night-Shift Work in India
– with Aleksandr Michuda and Abhilasha Sahay
Policy Writing:
Simplifying communication dramatically increased job application rates on a platform in Pakistan - VoxDev with Maniha Aftab, Aiman Farrukh, Erica Field, Robert Garlick, Sarah Hussain, Lala Rukh Khan, Kate Vyborny - 2023
How phone calls can encourage people to apply for jobs in Pakistan - IGC with Maniha Aftab, Aiman Farrukh, Erica Field, Robert Garlick, Sarah Hussain, Lala Rukh Khan, Kate Vyborny - 2023
Understanding gender barriers in the Pakistani labour market: A deep dive in the job search process - IGC with Vaishali Jain, Lala Rukh Khan, Sarah Xu, Julia Wu, Alieha Shahid, Kate Vyborny, Erica Field, and Rob Garlick - 2021
Girl Boss? The Impact of Information about Supervisor and Coworker Gender on Women’s Job Search - World Bank - 2019